Saturday, May 17, 2014


"Autobiografsko" is a photography project, mutual work together with and organized and curated by the social center of Pum Familija Škofja Loka.
Soon after my arrival as a volunteer here I started coming to PUM. We had series of photoshootings before the idea for this exhibition was born. I was coming often to PUM to take photos of the workshops and activities and also took part in it. We were cooking and eating together and I became a part of the everyday life. The participants of the program got more and more confidence with me and soon it was them who asked me for some photo shootings. Thus the idea for an “autobiographic” exhibition was born. Our photos evolved from the private everyday activities in the center to professional photoshootings aimed for the public. We were all both participants and creators, everything you see here is a fruit of our common work and everyone had a personal contribution to it. This project offered us personal growth, identity building, integration, confidence and friendship. It helped us see ourselves form a different point of view and be proud of what we saw. This is my first experience with documentary photography. I’m very pleased with the results and I would like to use it as a startup. This is a project that developed me both personally and professionally and it gave a new meaning to my passion for photography. The more I discover and experience social photography the more I admire it. Our photos are not only about art and beauty, they also have a meaning, a purpose, they speak, they communicate. And beyond the words there are stories to discover. Thanks to the interest of “pumovci” towards photography and graphic design I’ll have the opportunity to teach and provide some more workshops. Our work together continues so just wait for the results!

The photo exhibition took place in the city gallery of Škofja Loka - Sokolski dom, from 15/04 to 04/06/2014.We had a spectacular opening with rich program and a lots of visitors.

Even the mayor of Škofja Loka, Miha Ješe, attended the event:

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